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Meet 2 Grow z.s.

Meet 2 Grow brings together academic, commercial, research and non-profit organisations and public and government institutions to create the conditions for:

  • making it easier for students, graduates, parents on parental leave, older workers and others to enter the Czech labour market through practical internships, lifelong learning and the use of flexible forms of work;

  • promoting entrepreneurship, innovation and increasing competitiveness;

  • improving conditions to support development, research and education.

Opinions of partners

Thanks to Meet 2 Grow, we were able to establish cooperation not only with students who are actively involved in the development of solutions for publishing multimedia scripts and textbooks, but also with academic and professional staff of universities. This combination of carriers of theoretical knowledge and experience including the latest trends, technologies and practices allows us to build a strong institution that offers innovative solutions and services to its customers.


consulting company

Our services

Career counselling

We specialize in the professional identification of personality strengths and weaknesses as a basis for the candidate's decision on the optimal job.

We connect the academic and business spheres. We facilitate the introduction and use of flexible forms of work. We promote entrepreneurship, innovation and competitiveness.


Based on an interview and your interests, we will arrange a work placement with the possibility of employment.

An internship is an ideal opportunity to gain much needed practical work experience, especially for students, graduates, but also for parents on parental leave and other job seekers.

Flexible forms of employment

While in Western Europe flexible working arrangements are a common part of the labour market offer, in the Czech Republic their use is still in its infancy, so to speak.


Since these forms of employment can significantly help specific groups of people who find it difficult to find employment in traditional conditions (for example, mothers with small children, older workers or disabled people), we are trying to create conditions for their use, including training of managers and workers, consulting and outsourcing.

Interpreting and language courses

We provide a wide range of professional interpreting services from direct interpreting to written correspondence in Czech.


Our interpreter will accompany you to the doctor, provide assistance in negotiations at the bank or health insurance company and at the authorities. Our tutors lead conversation clubs, for acquiring language skills and making new friends.



Kodaňská 1441

Prague 10 - Vršovice

PSČ: 101 00

IČ: 02047870

DS: qve6pqf

+420 277 270 555


Meet 2 Grow creates conditions for easier employment of students, graduates, parents on parental leave, older workers and others on the Czech labour market through practical internships, lifelong learning, the use of flexible forms of work and support for entrepreneurship, innovation and increasing competitiveness.

Copyright © Meet 2 Grow z.s. / web by shotrabbit

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