partnership - cooperation - innovation
We help you stand on your own two feet!
We are Meet2Grow, helping you get off on the right foot in the job market. We provide job counselling and other services to students, graduates, parents on parental leave, older workers and other job seekers. We combine a tradition of professionalism with a friendly and open atmosphere.

We create better conditions and help students, graduates, parents on parental leave, older workers and other disadvantaged job seekers to find employment in the Czech labour market.
We understand those who are not at the start for the first time. We know that starting again after parental leave or in middle age and beyond is much harder.
We provide internships with the possibility of employment.
We provide lifelong learning and retraining.
We specialize in identifying and revealing personality strengths and weaknesses for optimal job placement.
We offer job counselling.
We facilitate the introduction and use of flexible forms of employment.
We support entrepreneurship, innovation and competitiveness.

We help you find a suitable job in the labour market:
We ensure communication with potential employers.
We'll help you discover your strengths so you can find the job that best suits your true abilities.
We provide internships with the possibility of employment.
We organise retraining courses.
We will assist you in obtaining recognition of the validity of your university diploma (nostrification).
We will guide you through the entire process of passing the certification exam:
exam preparation
assistance with submitting an application for recognition of competence to the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic (according to § 34 of Act 95/2024 Coll.)
Poskytujeme tlumočnické služby:
Zajistíme vám přímé tlumočení i písemnou korespondenci v českém jazyce.
Náš tlumočník vás doprovodí k lékaři, do banky, zdravotní pojišťovny i na úřady.
Pořádáme konverzační kluby, pro získání jazykových dovedností i nových přátel.
Organizujeme adaptivní kurzy pro neslyšící. Ukrajinská znaková řeč se od české znakové řeči liší. Pomůžeme vám tyto rozdíly překonat.
We provide interpreting services:
We will provide you with direct interpreting and written correspondence in Czech.
Our interpreter will accompany you to the doctor, the bank, the health insurance company and the authorities.
We organize conversation clubs, for acquiring language skills and making new friends.
We organize adaptive courses for the deaf. Ukrainian sign language is different from Czech sign language. We can help you overcome these differences.
We offer help with finding accommodation
We are also here for your children:
We help you find a primary school and a suitable secondary school (depending on your child's interests and needs).
Our tutors with experience with children tutor Czech language and other subjects.
We help you integrate into your peer group.
Our experienced therapists will provide psychological support for you and your children.