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Grant projects

We help, educate, support

Although most of Meet 2 Grow's projects are currently implemented at its own expense or in cooperation with partners who contribute to the costs, a similar funding model cannot be used in the future. That is, at least if we want to bring to a successful conclusion the intended projects and services aimed at improving the employability of students, graduates, parents on parental leave, older workers and others on the Czech labour market through practical internships, lifelong learning and the use of flexible forms of work, i.e. the basic objectives of the association. These projects are so extensive and financially demanding that the only realistic way to finance them is through public funds - in particular EU funds.


We help, educate, support

Although most of Meet 2 Grow's projects are currently implemented at its own expense or in cooperation with partners who contribute to the costs, a similar funding model cannot be used in the future. That is, at least if we want to bring to a successful conclusion the intended projects and services aimed at improving the employability of students, graduates, parents on parental leave, older workers and others on the Czech labour market through practical internships, lifelong learning and the use of flexible forms of work, i.e. the basic objectives of the association. These projects are so extensive and financially demanding that the only realistic way to finance them is through public funds - in particular EU funds.

We help, educate, support

Although most of Meet 2 Grow's projects are currently implemented at its own expense or in cooperation with partners who contribute to the costs, a similar funding model cannot be used in the future. That is, at least if we want to bring to a successful conclusion the intended projects and services aimed at improving the employability of students, graduates, parents on parental leave, older workers and others on the Czech labour market through practical internships, lifelong learning and the use of flexible forms of work, i.e. the basic objectives of the association. These projects are so extensive and financially demanding that the only realistic way to finance them is through public funds - in particular EU funds.

Projekt: Naděje pro lepší bydlení osob vysídlených z Ukrajiny ve Středočeském kraji,

Registrační číslo projektu: CZ.12.01.02/00/24_023/0000072

Realizátor: Meet 2 Grow z.s.

Místo realizace: Středočeský kraj

Datum realizace projektu: 1.1.2025 – 30.6.2026

Financování: Evropskou unií v rámci operačního programu Azylového, migračního a integračního fondu a rozpočtu Ministerstva vnitra České republiky. 


Odkaz na projekt Ministerstva vnitra: Pomoc zranitelným osobám při přechodu do nájemního bydlení -

We help, educate, support


We help, educate, support

Although most of Meet 2 Grow's projects are currently implemented at its own expense or in cooperation with partners who contribute to the costs, a similar funding model cannot be used in the future. That is, at least if we want to bring to a successful conclusion the intended projects and services aimed at improving the employability of students, graduates, parents on parental leave, older workers and others on the Czech labour market through practical internships, lifelong learning and the use of flexible forms of work, i.e. the basic objectives of the association. These projects are so extensive and financially demanding that the only realistic way to finance them is through public funds - in particular EU funds.

We help, educate, support

Although most of Meet 2 Grow's projects are currently implemented at its own expense or in cooperation with partners who contribute to the costs, a similar funding model cannot be used in the future. That is, at least if we want to bring to a successful conclusion the intended projects and services aimed at improving the employability of students, graduates, parents on parental leave, older workers and others on the Czech labour market through practical internships, lifelong learning and the use of flexible forms of work, i.e. the basic objectives of the association. These projects are so extensive and financially demanding that the only realistic way to finance them is through public funds - in particular EU funds.

We help, educate, support

Although most of Meet 2 Grow's projects are currently implemented at its own expense or in cooperation with partners who contribute to the costs, a similar funding model cannot be used in the future. That is, at least if we want to bring to a successful conclusion the intended projects and services aimed at improving the employability of students, graduates, parents on parental leave, older workers and others on the Czech labour market through practical internships, lifelong learning and the use of flexible forms of work, i.e. the basic objectives of the association. These projects are so extensive and financially demanding that the only realistic way to finance them is through public funds - in particular EU funds.

We help, educate, support

Although most of Meet 2 Grow's projects are currently implemented at its own expense or in cooperation with partners who contribute to the costs, a similar funding model cannot be used in the future. That is, at least if we want to bring to a successful conclusion the intended projects and services aimed at improving the employability of students, graduates, parents on parental leave, older workers and others on the Czech labour market through practical internships, lifelong learning and the use of flexible forms of work, i.e. the basic objectives of the association. These projects are so extensive and financially demanding that the only realistic way to finance them is through public funds - in particular EU funds.

We help, educate, support

Although most of Meet 2 Grow's projects are currently implemented at its own expense or in cooperation with partners who contribute to the costs, a similar funding model cannot be used in the future. That is, at least if we want to bring to a successful conclusion the intended projects and services aimed at improving the employability of students, graduates, parents on parental leave, older workers and others on the Czech labour market through practical internships, lifelong learning and the use of flexible forms of work, i.e. the basic objectives of the association. These projects are so extensive and financially demanding that the only realistic way to finance them is through public funds - in particular EU funds.

We help, educate, support

Although most of Meet 2 Grow's projects are currently implemented at its own expense or in cooperation with partners who contribute to the costs, a similar funding model cannot be used in the future. That is, at least if we want to bring to a successful conclusion the intended projects and services aimed at improving the employability of students, graduates, parents on parental leave, older workers and others on the Czech labour market through practical internships, lifelong learning and the use of flexible forms of work, i.e. the basic objectives of the association. These projects are so extensive and financially demanding that the only realistic way to finance them is through public funds - in particular EU funds.

  • Mohu si sehnat nové bydlení na ubytovně nebo v podnájmu?
    Ne, pomoc z tohoto programu je vázána na uzavření klasické nájemní smlouvy. Není tedy poskytována, pokud si seženete bydlení v ubytovně nebo podnájem. Pomoc je poskytována v případě podnájmu pouze v případě družstevních bytů a se řádným souhlasem družstva.
  • Proč jsou nejčastější dotazy důležité?
    Nejčastější dotazy jsou skvělým pomocníkem pro návštěvníky, když hledají rychlé odpovědi na obecné otázky o vašem podnikání a pomáhají vytvořit lepší zkušenost s pohybem po stránkách..
  • Mohu při žádosti o pomoc z programu zastupovat někoho, i když na mě se nárok na pomoc nevztahuje?
    Ano, kontaktujte příslušnou neziskovou organizaci, která vám podá více informací. Obecně k zastupování dané osoby budete potřebovat plnou moc.
  • Jak mám postupovat, pokud si chci zajistit ubytování v jiném kraji, než ve kterém v současnosti bydlím?
    Jste-li ubytovaní ve státním humanitárním ubytování ve Středočeském kraji, můžeme vám poskytnout asistenci s hledáním ubytování i v jiném kraji České republiky.
  • Jsem ubytován ve státním humanitárním ubytování mimo Středočeský kraj
    V ostatních krajích, kde je tato služba dostupná, kontaktujte příslušnou neziskovou organizaci. Ta vám poskytne všechny potřebné informace a další asistenci.
  • Jsem příjemce humanitární dávky. Bude jednorázový finanční příspěvek započítáván do celkové výše příjmů, když budu o dávku žádat?
    Ne, tento jednorázový příspěvek se do výše příjmů při rozhodování u poskytnutí humanitární dávky nezapočítává.
  • Mohu o jednorázový finanční příspěvek požádat zpětně?
    Ne, osoby se zajištěným individuálním ubytováním si nemohou žádat zpětně o pomoc ani příspěvek.
  • Co mám dělat, pokud chci využít asistenci poskytovanou tímto programem, ale v kraji, kde bydlím, není nezisková organizace, která ji poskytuje?
    V takovém případě není možné tento program využít. Můžete se ale obrátit na integrační centrum ve vašem kraji nebo jiné neziskové organizace, které vám mohou s hledáním komerčního nájemního bydlení také poradit. Nemůžete však požádat o poskytnutí jednorázového finančního příspěvku.
  • Kdy dostanu vyplacen finanční příspěvek a jak bude vysoký?
    Jednorázový finanční příspěvek není nárokový. Posouzení, zda na něj máte nárok provádí odpovědná nezisková organizace, která v kraji, kde bydlíte, tuto službu zajišťuje.
  • Výše příspěvku se odvíjí od počtu členů domácnosti, kteří splňují požadavky pro jeho udělení.
    Vyplacení příspěvku je následně vázáno na uzavření nájemní smlouvy v komerčním nájemním bydlení.



Kodaňská 1441

Prague 10 - Vršovice

PSČ: 101 00

IČ: 02047870

DS: qve6pqf

+420 277 270 555


Meet 2 Grow creates conditions for easier employment of students, graduates, parents on parental leave, older workers and others on the Czech labour market through practical internships, lifelong learning, the use of flexible forms of work and support for entrepreneurship, innovation and increasing competitiveness.

Copyright © Meet 2 Grow z.s. / web by shotrabbit

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